A stable partner


The largest bank in Poland

We have been supporting both corporate and individual clients for more than 100 years. We are the safest bank in Europe in terms of capital level according to 2018 EBA stress tests.

A technological champion

We implement modern solutions and collaborate with startups. We have developed one of the best mobile banking apps in the world (according to Retail International Banking 2018 and 2019 rankings).

An expert on the local market

We share our experience with others. We cooperate with governmental organisations from both Slovakia and Poland, and also with consultancies which support business in local markets.


Comprehensive solutions


Serving the CEE region

We connect businesses in Central and Eastern Europe by serving clients in Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine.

Services provided in three languages

At our Bratislava branch, our staff can speak 3 languages (Slovak, Polish and English). This helps our clients make decisions and meet local formal requirements.

Syndicated financing

We participate in the largest investment projects in the CEE region. We finance projects in collaboration with other banks, as well as with legal or financial advisers.

Fully-integrated e-banking service

In Slovakia and Poland, we offer the same iPKO biznes online service, which supports the finance management in an international group with a single banking tool.

International cash pooling

We provide cash pooling services to company groups operating in Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic or Poland. These services enable intra-group financing and interest optimization, also on cross-border and cross-currency basis.

Quick transfers

Transfers between the accounts  maintained by the Bank for companies in Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Czech Republic are executed immediately. Our clients can also order express SWIFT GPI foreign transfers where the payer albo ordering party is notified as soon as the counterparty’s account has been credited.


Contact us


pobočka zahraničnej banky
Pribinova 10
811 09 Bratislava
Slovak Republic



PKO Bank Polski in other markets


Branch in Germany

PKO Bank Polski S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland, which is based in Frankfurt am Main, helps companies to develop their business in the Federal Republic of Germany.


Branch in the Czech Republic

PKO BP S.A., Czech Branch, which is based in Prague, helps companies to develop their business in the Czech Republic.


Kredobank in Ukraine

Universal bank based in Lviv. Kredobank is 100% owned by PKO Bank Polski.


Correspondent banking

IPKO Bank Polski handles direct transfers in 23 currencies to 1,300 banks worldwide. It maintains Polish accounts for more than 230 foreign banks.

Banking services in Poland

In Warsaw, a dedicated team serves international corporations operating in Poland.



Transaction banking

Financing & Trade Services

Additional information


Mandatory Information about the Branch


The information on this website is of an advertising nature and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code, investment advice or a recommendation concerning financial instruments or their issuers within the meaning of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, or any form of tax advice or legal aid.