In the ranking prepared by Rzeczpospolita (31.12.2008) and Gazeta Prawna (7.01.2009), the PKO/CREDIT SUISSE Long Term Bonds – open-end investment fund was recognized the best debt fund of 2008. In this period, its made a profit of +21.46%. Last year, great results were also achieved by other debt funds from PKO TFI offer, including: : PKO/CREDIT SUISSE Bonds + 6,31% PKO/CREDIT SUISSE Debentures Plus + 11,06 % PKO/CREDIT SUISSE Debentures CHF + 18,61 % PKO/CREDIT SUISSE Debentures USD + 21,14 % It must be stressed that PKO TFI prolonged, until June 30th, 2009, the special offer consisting in lowering of the remuneration charged by the Company for management in selected debenture funds. Thanks to this, more assets are working to achieve the profit for participants of these funds.