The Bank’s sponsorship and charity activities were aimed at supporting culture, life-saving and health care. The Bank has supported almost 2,000 undertakings. As part of the “PKO Bank Polski Blisko Ciebie” (PKO BP Close to You) program, the Bank sponsored, among others:
- the Stage-play Song Competition (Przegląd Piosenki Aktorskiej) in Wrocław,
- an international cross-country skiing event “Bieg Piastów”,
Bank subsidized the continuation and promotion of two social programs:
- “Cała Polska czyta dzieciom” (Whole Poland Reads to Children)
- educational program “Zostańcie z nami” (Stay with Us), organised by the Foundation of the Weekly Polityka (Fundacja Tygodnika Polityka).
The Bank sponsored also a few Students’ Days (Juwenalia)