
During the 1st quarter of 2005, the sponsoring and charity work of the Bank were directed to support the Polish culture, life and health and included the following:

  • Continuance of long-term program "PKO Bank Polski Kulturze Narodowej", under which the Bank was a patron of:
    • the renovation of the copy of Michael Angelo fresco titled "Judgment day" and ceremony of making this work of art available for the audience, which took place in the National Museum in Krakow under the program "Na tropach Europy",
    • solemn concert "V Wielki Recital", which was organized on the 85th anniversary of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan,
    • exhibition of manuscripts accompanying 9th Easter Ludwig van Beethoven Festival,
  • Continuance of long-term program "PKO Bank Polski Blisko Ciebie" under which the Bank was a sponsor of:
    • Przegląd Piosenki Aktorskiej in Wrocław and
    • international event in cross ski running "Bieg Piastów",
  • Bank's support to health protection and promotion institutions, amongst others for the following foundations:
    • Fundacja na rzecz Przeszczepów Watroby i Wspierania Postepu w Chirurgii Przewodu Pokarmowego,
    • Fundacja Służby Zdrowia Samodzielnego Publicznego Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego in Szczecin,
  • and hospitals:
    • Szpital Zachodni im. Jana Pawła II in Grodzisk Mazowiecki,
    • Caritas Polska and
    • PCK
  • Headqarters - support to victims of the disaster in Asia.