PKO BP continues to implement its new strategy presented in April of this year. Today PKO BP signed an cooperation agreement with NatWest bank – member of the of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, one of the world’s leading financial groups. The first effect of the cooperation between the two institutions will be a free money transfer service between the accounts in Poland and in the United Kingdom.

The agreement signed today initiates cooperation between the PKO BP and National Westminster bank, member of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. The cooperation is aimed at developing modern and customer-friendly products and financial services for Poles working or intending to take up jobs in Britain. It is also an extremely important element of the PKO BP new strategy implementation, envisaging, among other things, its expansion beyond the Polish borders. ‘Today’s event is a part of the new strategy implementation focused on maintaining our leading position in retail banking. We want to be close to our customers, no matter whether they work in Poland or outside its borders. We make our first step in Britain because of the great market potential created by our compatriots working on Great Britain,’ said Rafał Juszczak, President of the Board of PKO BP after the signing ceremony. ‘Our association with PKO Bank Polski demonstrates our commitment to Polish consumers and our desire to give them the best possible service. We are therefore delighted that PKO Bank Polski chose NatWest as their partner of choice, and look forward to working closely with them.’ said Gordon Pell, Chief Executive, Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Retail Markets. ‘We felt that the best way to respond to the changing needs of our Polish customers was to join forces with Poland’s leading retail bank in order to develop the services of our Welcome Account and increase our foothold in this important market.’ The first element of the special offer dedicated to Poles leaving for Britain have a possibility for transferring at least 100 GBP from NatWest to PKO BP’s accounts for free. Transfers from PKO BP to NatWest will be performed without any charge regardless to amount transferred. Every NatWest Welcome account holder is entitled to free transfers to and from Poland if they hold a PKO BP Account. The opening of a NatWest Welcome account in Britain requires filling in an application form, which can be found online at: The application form is also available in NatWest bank branches or it can be ordered by phone using the Polish language info service in Britain: +44 845-246-7979. The SUPERKONTO account can be opened in one of PKO BP bank branches. ‘The special free transfers offer from and to Britain, which we have prepared for the holiday season, is by no means the end of our plans,’ the President Rafał Juszczak adds. ‘We are working intensively on new solutions which we shall offer to our customers soon’. The joint aim of PKO BP and NatWest is to provide the leading offering to the thousands of Poles planning to take up jobs in Britain or working there already. According to official data some 400,000 Poles have emigrated to Great Britain. Unofficial reports mention even one million. Another several hundred thousand Polish citizens are planning to take up jobs there soon. Money transfers to Poland is the most popular financial service for Polish emigrants. Data collected by the National Bank of Poland indicate that in 2006, Poles working abroad (including Britain) transferred to Poland the equivalent of EUR 6.5 billion. So far, transfers from Britain to Poland cost even as much as GBP 20. Thanks to PKO BP and NatWest common offer, as of today, Poles can transfer their money home free.