PKO Bank Polski S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland
Grow your business with the safest bank in Europe
(according to 2018 European Banking Authority stress tests)
Deutsche Version Polska wersja
(according to 2018 European Banking Authority stress tests)
Deutsche Version Polska wersja
We have supported both corporate and individual clients for more than 100 years. We are the safest bank in Europe in terms of capital level according to 2018 EBA stress tests.
We implement modern solutions and collaborate with startups. We have developed one of the best mobile banking apps in the world (according to Retail International Banking 2018 and 2019 rankings).
We share our experience with others. We cooperate with governmental organisations from both Germany and Poland, and also with consultancies which support business in local markets.
We connect businesses in Central and Eastern Europe by serving clients in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine.
At our Frankfurt am Main branch, our staff can speak 3 languages (German, Polish and English). This helps our clients make decisions and meet local formal requirements.
We participate in the largest investment projects in the CEE region. We finance projects in collaboration with other banks, as well as with legal or financial advisers.
In Germany and Poland, we offer the same iPKO biznes online service and a mobile app, which support the finance management in an international group with a single banking tool.
We provide cash pooling services to company groups operating in Germany, the Czech Republic or Poland. These services enable intra-group financing and interest optimization, also on cross-border and cross-currency basis.
Transfers between the accounts we maintain for companies in Slovakia, Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic are executed immediately. Our clients can also order express SWIFT GPI foreign transfers where the payer albo ordering party is notified as soon as the counterparty’s account has been credited.
PKO Bank Polski
Niederlassung Deutschland
Neue Mainzer Strasse 52-58
60311 Frankfurt am Main
BLZ: 50127000
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE301066680
HRB 103393 Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
PKO BP S.A., Czech Branch, which is based in Prague, helps companies to develop their business in the Czech Republic.
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PKO BP S.A., Pobočka Zahraničnej Banky is based in Bratislava and helps clients grow their business in Slovakia
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Universal bank based in Lviv. Kredobank is 100% owned by PKO Bank Polski.
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In Warsaw, a dedicated team serves international corporations operating in Poland.
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PKO Bank Polski handles direct transfers in 23 currencies to 1,300 banks worldwide. It maintains Polish accounts for more than 230 foreign banks.
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Accounts and deposits
• Current and auxiliary accounts
• Trust account
• Escrow account
• Arranging of account openinig in PKO BP Group trough local branch
• Automatic deposit
• Negotiable deposit
Settlements and cards
• Domestic and international transfers
• SEPA Direct Debit
• SWIFT MT101 service
• VISA Business debit card
Liquidity management
• Consolidated accounts
• Virtual consolidated accounts
• Sweeping/topping services
• Physical cash pooling
• Interest cash pooling
Online banking
• iPKO biznes online banking service
• iPKO biznes mobile app
• Authorised overdraft
• Revolving working capital facility
• Non-revolving working capital facility
• Multi-purpose credit limit
• Investment loan
Trade services
• Guarantees
• Letters of credit
As of March 17th, 2025 we change the provisions of the General Business Conditions with respect to:
- the possibility of submitting instructions via online banking,
- set-off limitations on the part of the client,
- termination of a basic account agreement.
Other changes are formal or editorial in nature.
To make it easier for you to analyze the changes in the offer, we have prepared the following:
- list of changes to the General Business Conditions, valid from 17th March 2025 (PDF file)
- new General Business Conditions, valid from 17th March 2025 (PDF file) .
We would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with the changes.
At the same time we would like to inform you that in accordance with the General Business Conditions, you have the right to terminate the agreement affected by the changes with immediate effect (i.e. on the date of delivery of the notice of refusal to accept the new conditions to the Bank) or on a date chosen by you, but before the date of entry into force of the above-mentioned changes, free of charge.
More information on how to terminate your agreement with us can be found in item 18 of the General Business Conditions.
A notice of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions should be sent to the Bank’s correspondence address as stated in the relevant agreement or to the registered office address of the Bank: Frankfurt am Main, 60-311, Neue Mainzer Strasse 52-58.
If you do not inform us of your rejection of the changes before March 17th 2025, they will be deemed to have been approved.
If you have any questions, please contact your Relationship manager or Client Service Representative.
As of 1 November 2024, the following amendments shall be made to the List of prices and services for corporate clients of PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland:
In order to facilitate the analysis of the amendments to the offer, we have prepared:
We would like to invite you to read them.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions of Cooperation between the Client and PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen), you have the right to terminate the agreement affected by the amendments free of charge with immediate effect (i.e. on the date of delivery of the notice of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions to the Bank) or as of the date indicated by you, but before the date of entry of the aforementioned amendments into force. More information on how to terminate your agreement with us can also be found in item 18 of the General Terms and Conditions of Cooperation between the Client and PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland. A declaration of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions should be sent to the Bank’s correspondence address as stated in the relevant agreement or to the registered office address of the Bank: Frankfurt am Main, 60-311, Neue Mainzer Strasse 52-58.
If you do not notify your refusal to accept the amendments before 1 November 2024, they are deemed to have been approved.
If you have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager or account manager at the Corporate Client Service Centre.
Balance confirmations at the end of 2022
In the Accounts section, you can now download the balance confirmation at the end of 2022. To use this option, make sure that you have the access rights to account balance information.
Cross-border transfers with payment purpose code
To make a foreign transfer to certain countries, please enter the so-called payment purpose code in the title, which specifies the reason for the transaction. Without this, we cannot execute the transfer.
Which countries require a payment purpose code?
Where can I find this code?
Once you have entered your BIC code, the list will activate from which you can select the appropriate payment purpose code.
If you need to complete the codes in the payment title, also correct the files you want to import into the application.
As of 1 March 2023, the following amendments shall be made to the Terms and conditions of sale of products and services to corporate clients of PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland:
In order to facilitate the analysis of the amendments to the offer, we have prepared:
We would like to invite you to read them.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions of Cooperation between the Client and PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen), you have the right to terminate the agreement affected by the amendments free of charge with immediate effect (i.e. on the date of delivery of the notice of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions to the Bank) or as of the date indicated by you, but before the date of entry of the aforementioned amendments into force. More information on how to terminate your agreement with us can also be found in item 18 of the General Terms and Conditions of Cooperation between the Client and PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland, which can be found here (PDF FILE) link. A declaration of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions should be sent to the Bank’s correspondence address as stated in the relevant agreement or to the registered office address of the Bank: Frankfurt am Main, 60-311, Neue Mainzer Strasse 52-58.
If you do not notify your refusal to accept the amendments before 1 March 2023, they are deemed to have been approved.
If you have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager or account manager at the Corporate Client Service Centre.
From September 1, 2021, PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland makes the following changes to the List of prices and services for corporate clients of PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland:
To make the changes in the offer more visible for you, we have prepared:
We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that, in accordance with the General Business Conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen), you have the right to terminate the affected agreement free of charge with immediate effect (i.e. on the date of delivery to the Bank of the notification of refusal to accept the new terms) or from the date of indicated by you, but before the effective date of the above-mentioned changes. More information on the termination of the agreement with us can be found in point 18 of the General Business Conditions of Client's Cooperation with PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland, which can be found here (PDF FILE). The notification of the refusal to accept the new conditions should be sent to the Bank's correspondence address provided in the relevant agreement or to the address of the Bank's seat: Frankfurt am Main, 60-311, Neue Mainzer Strasse 52-58.
If you do not notify us before September 1, 2021 of your refusal to accept the changes, the changes are deemed to have been accepted.
If you have any questions, please contact a Relationship Manager or supervisor at the Corporate Customer Service Centre.
As of 1 October 2020, PKO Bank Polski S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland introduces the below-listed changes in the List of prices and services for corporate clients of PKO Bank Polski S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland:
In order to facilitate analysis of changes in the offer, we have prepared:
1) A list of changes in List of prices and services applicable as of 1 October 2020 (PDF file)
2) New, amended List of prices and services applicable as of 1 October 2020 (PDF file)
We heartily encourage you to read them.
At the same time, please be informed that in line with the General Business Conditions governing the Relationship between the Client and PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen), you can terminate the agreement affected by changes with immediate effect and free of charge or as of the date indicated by you before the aforementioned changes enter into force.
If you do not notify your lack of acceptance for the introduced changed before 1 October 2020, the changes shall be deemed approved.
If you have any questions, please contact the Relationship Manager or the counsellor in the Corporate Client Service Centre.
From 1st July 2020, PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland will not offer an automatic deposit product. You are kindly requested to accept the changes. If you do not accept the changes, you can terminate the framework agreement on provision of payment services free of charge, with an immediate effect. You may indicate the date of termination, provided that it is before 1 July. If we do not receive your notice of termination by such date, we automatically assume that you accepted the changes. You are welcome to learn more about the details:
List of changes to the List of prices and services in German branch effective as of 1 July 2020 [PDF]
A new, changed List of prices and services in German branch effective as of 1 July 2020 [PDF]
As of 1 June 2020, higher minimum amounts for Negotiated Deposits will be come into force. You are kindly requested to accept the changes. If you do not accept the changes, you can terminate the framework agreement on provision of payment services for free, with an immediate effect. You can select the termination date independently on the condition that such date falls before 1 June 2020. If we do not receive your notice of termination by such date, we automatically assume that you accepted the changes. You are welcome to learn more about the details:
List of changes to the List of prices and services in German branch effective as of 1 June 2020 [PDF]
A new, changed List of prices and services in German branch effective as of 1 June 2020 [PDF]
The new terms will apply as of 1 February 2020 to customers of PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland. Changes result from requirements pertaining to the strong authentication mechanism (Par. 3(16) point (a) (iv)): Terms and Conditions for the Issuance and Use of PKO Visa Business DE Debit Card: applicable as of 01.02.2010 [PDF]
Your kind acceptance is hereby sought. The amendments shall be deemed to have been approved by the customer, unless the customer has indicated disapproval before 01.02.2020. Should you choose not to accept the amendments you have, pursuant to our General Business Conditions, the right to terminate your PKO Visa Business DE Debit Card agreement between the Customer and PKO Bank Polski SA Niederlassung Deutschland free of charge, with effect at any time or with immediate effect before the date of entry into force of the aforementioned changes. If you fail to notify your lack of acceptance for the introduced changes before 1 February 2020, they will be considered approved.
If you have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager or Corporate Customer Service Centre employee.
The information on this website is of an advertising nature and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code, investment advice or a recommendation concerning financial instruments or their issuers within the meaning of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, or any form of tax advice or legal aid.