iPKO biznes mobile app
(full version)

iPKO biznes mobile app

For whom?

for iPKO biznes electronic banking Users

for PKO Bank Polski company’s Card holders

Mobile authorization of operations

See how to get mobile authorization

Manage corporate finances:
  • Order transfers (domestic, split payment and to own account)
  • Authorise transfers and other operations
  • Check current balance and history of business accounts
  • Check transaction statuses

Manage your company’s card

  • Available funds
  • Transaction history and blocked funds
  • Daily limits and their use

Manage your company’s card

  • Activate it
  • Assign or change its PIN
  • Cancel it, if necessary
  • Temporarily block the cards


How to activate the iPKO biznes mobile app?

Activate iPKO biznes mobile app for iPKO biznes electronic banking Users

Connect company card with an iPKO biznes mobile app

Frequently asked questions

How much does the iPKO biznes mobile app cost?

On how many phones can I use the application simultaneously?

Who can use the iPKO biznes mobile app? In which modes?

Why don't I see all the business cards in the application?

I am already a user of the iPKO biznes mobile app. What should I do to see my cards in the application?

Can I see in the application all cards issued in a given company?

I am a card user in a large company where I also have access to electronic banking. Additionally, in iPKO I operate my individual business for which I also have a business card issued. What to do in such a situation?

What if I forget the PIN code or if I block access to the application?

At what phone number will I receive the text message with the activation code?

How do I add/change my phone number to/in my details?

Apart from the business card, I also have a private debit card at PKO Bank Polski. Can I see them both in the application?

Do I need to have a business phone in order to view the business card?

I have IKO and I have my private cards. Can I have an application for a business card user? Are these apps independent?

If I change the telephone number – how can I continue to use the application and view my business cards?

How often can I change the method of operations authorizing? How much is it?

Minimum version of your phone software: iOS: min. 16. Android: min. 7.0.

Internet connection is required to download, activate and use the iPKO biznes mobile app, as well as to activate the mobile token. Once activated, the mobile token works also without access to the internet. The application supports business cards of bank's business customers in Poland and foreign branches in the Czech Republic Germany, Slovakia and Romania, in 4 language versions: Polish, English, Gerrman and Czech.