In the event of pronouncement of a bank's bankruptcy, the estate trustee or executor will draw up, within 30 days of the bankruptcy pronouncement, the list of persons eligible to receive the guaranteed compensation from BFG, together with calculation of the amounts due to these persons. Compensation fund payments are typically made in the defunct bank's outlets, as per an adopted timetable and should be completed no later than within three months counting from the day on which deposited funds are not accessible, i.e. the date of suspension of the bank in its operations by the Financial Supervision Commission. Information on the time and place of such payments will be announced in the national press and the outlets of the bankrupt bank. Depositors can also apply for the guaranteed compensation amounts at a later date directly with BFG, however, with 5 years from pronouncement of bankruptcy of the concerned bank.
The guaranteed funds are paid out to persons authorised to receive them, including the depositors, their duly authorised representatives, their statutory representatives or successors in title. However, there is the obligation to suspend payment of such guaranteed funds in case criminal proceedings are instigated against the depositor (until completion of such proceedings) indicating that the funds covered by the guaranteed compensation can be involved in money laundering practices, in other words, in practices involving financial operations aimed at introducing assets of illicit origin to legal trade.