
Legal basis: Article 56.1.1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, the Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organised System of Trading and Public Companies in connection with Article 154 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments. The report: The Management Board of PKO Bank Polski SA (“Bank”) hereby informs that on 16 February 2011 it received from the State Treasury of the Republic of Poland – a shareholder of the Bank who holds more than one twentieth of the Bank's share capital – a motion for inclusion an item in the agenda of the Bank's Ordinary General Meeting or for convening the Extraordinary General Meeting and inclusion of the item in its agenda („Shareholder’s Motion”). The Shareholder’s Motion concerns inclusion in the agenda of the nearest Bank's Ordinary General Meeting (”OGM”) or convening the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) and including in its agenda the item on amendments to the Articles of Association of the Bank. According to the Shareholder’s Motion, the inclusion of the item on amendments to the Articles of Association in the agenda of the Bank's OGM or the convening the Bank's EGM and including this item in its agenda shall take effect after receiving an authorisation granted by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority („the PFSA”) required by the provisions of the Polish Banking Law. In connection with the Shareholder’s Motion, the Bank applied to the PFSA for the authorisation to introduce amendments the Articles of Association of the Bank, as proposed in the Shareholder’s Motion with later presented changes and the Bank received this authorisation on 14 March 2011. The Bank publishes with this report the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association and presents consolidated text of the Articles of Association of the Bank comprising proposed amendments (see attachment). Relevant draft resolution or resolutions of the General Meeting on amendments to the Articles of Association of the Bank will be published by the Bank in accordance with the provisions on information duties related to the general meeting of a public company, on the deadlines specified therein. This report Bank publishes in connection with the notification on 16 February 2011 submitted to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on delay in publishing confidential information (current report No. 1/2011/OI), in accordance with Article 57.1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, the Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organised System of Trading and Public Companies. Pursuant to this notification the deadline for publication of this information was 30 June 2011.