Legal grounds:
Article 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and the Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to the Organised Trading System and on Public Companies
The report:
The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A. ("the Bank") advises that on 26 July 2012 the Bank received a notification from the Minister of State Treasury with regard to selling off a considerable block of Bank’s shares as a result of which the number of total votes held by the State Treasury in the Bank has changed. According to the notification received by the Bank on 24 July 2012 95,000,000 Bank’s shares held by the State Treasury were sold off in block transactions. Prior to the sell-off transaction conducted, the State Treasure held the total number of 512,406,277 Bank’s shares giving the same number of votes at the General Meeting. The shares amounted to 40.99% of the share capital and the same share in the total number of votes in the Bank. As a result of mentioned above the sell-off transaction on 24 July 2012 the State Treasury holds 417,406,277 Bank’s shares giving the same number of votes at the General Meeting of the Bank. The shares amount to 33.39% of the share capital and the same share in the total number of votes in the Bank. Moreover, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (“the BGK”), controlled as a whole by the State Treasure, holds the total number of 128,102,731 Bank’s ordinary shares giving the same number of votes at the General Meeting. The shares amount to 10.25% of the share capital and the same share in the total number of votes in the Bank. Prior to the shares’ sell-off transaction conducted mentioned above, the State Treasure and the BGK held the total number of 640,509,008 Bank’s shares giving the same number of votes at the General Meeting. The shares amounted to 51.24% of the share capital and the same share in the total number of votes in the Bank. After the shares’ sell-off transaction conducted mentioned above, the State Treasure and the BGK holds the total number of 545,509,008 Bank’s shares giving the same number of votes at the General Meeting. The shares amount to 43.64% of the share capital and the same share in the total number of votes in the Bank.