
Legal basis: Paragraph 33.1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent Content of the report: The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna (the “Issuer” or “PKO BP S.A.”) announces that the Series D Shares have been allocated to subscribers and that the issue of 250,000,000 series D shares of the Issuer (“Series D Shares”) with the pre-emptive right, carried out in a public offering on the basis of Resolution No. 39/2009 of the Ordinary General Meeting of PKO BP S.A. of 30 June 2009 concerning an increase of the Issuer’s share capital, amended by Resolution No. 9/2009 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of PKO BP S.A. of 31 August 2009, has been effected. In connection with the above, the Issuer makes the following information public:

  1. The date of starting to accept subscriptions in exercising the pre-emptive right and additional subscriptions: 7 October 2009; the date of ceasing to accept subscriptions in exercising the pre-emptive right and additional subscriptions: 20 October 2009.
  2. The date of allocating the shares: 29 October 2009.
  3. The number of shares covered by the subscription: 250,000,000 Series D Shares.
  4. The level of reduction in individual tranches if even in only one tranche the number of allocated shares is smaller than the number of shares for which subscriptions were submitted: the allocation rate within the additional subscriptions was 0.009563131, which means a reduction rate within the additional subscriptions of 99.04 per cent.
  5. The number of shares for which subscriptions have been submitted: a) in exercising the pre-emptive right: 247,900,587 Series D Shares b) as additional subscriptions: 219,531,961 Series D Shares
  6. The number of shares allocated under the subscription which was carried out: 250,000,000 Series D Shares.
  7. The issue price for which the shares were subscribed: PLN 20.5.
  8. The number of persons who submitted subscriptions for shares and the number of persons to whom shares were allocated under the subscription: Under the pre-emptive right a total of 67,724 subscriptions were submitted for Series D Shares. Because of the possibility that a single investor might have submitted several subscriptions, the Issuer has no information on how many investors submitted subscriptions in exercising their pre-emptive right. A total of 9,454 subscriptions for Series D Shares were submitted as additional subscriptions. Because of the possibility that a single investor might have submitted several subscriptions, the Issuer has no information on how many investors submitted additional subscriptions.
  9. The names (business names) of underwriters who took up shares in the performance of underwriting agreements, the number of shares they took up and the actual price of one share (i.e. the issue or sale price after deducting the fee for taking up a share in the performance of an underwriting agreement, acquired by an underwriter): no underwriters took up any shares.
  10. The value of the subscription (being the product of the shares constituting the subject of the subscription and the issue price of one share): PLN 5,125,000,000 (five billion one hundred twenty five million zlotys).
  11. The estimated costs of the Series D Shares issue were specified in the issue prospectus in the section “Using the Receipts from the Offering” (page 34). According to the state as at 29 October 2009, the issue costs calculated on the basis of invoices received and accepted by the Issuer amounted to: PLN 9,919,250.02 (gross), involving:
    a) Preparing and carrying out the offering: PLN 1,671,816.76, c) Preparing the issue prospectus: PLN 2,721,169.51, d) Promoting the offering: PLN 5,526,263.75

The Issuer will prepare and publish a current report on the final costs of the Series D Shares issue after receiving and accepting all invoices from entities involved in work on preparing and carrying out the Series D Shares issue. The method of making settlements employed in the account books and the manner of recognising them in the financial statements: The estimated costs of the Series D Shares issue, as specified in the issue prospectus in the section “Using the Receipts from the Offering”, will be settled in the account books by reducing the surplus of the issue value of the shares issued over their par value. These costs will be recognised in the financial statements in the item "Supplementary Capital”. According to the state of costs as at 29 October 2009, the average cost of carrying out the Series D Shares issue per Series D Share under the subscription: PLN 0.04.