
Legal basis: § 39.1.1 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 19th October, 2005 on current and periodical information provided by the issuers of securities Contents of the report: Acting under Art. 398 of the Commercial Companies Code the Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna has convened the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as at 26th February, 2008, 11 a.m., in Bank’s seat at 15 Puławska st., Warsaw. Agenda

  1. Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
  2. Electing the Chairman of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
  3. Declaring that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was duly convened and is capable of adopting valid resolutions.
  4. Adopting the agenda.
  5. Adopting resolutions on changes of Bank’s Supervisory Board.
  6. Closing the General Meeting.

The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna informs that the owners of the bearer shares may participate in the General Meeting provided that not later than one week prior to the date of the General Meeting i.e. 18th February, 2008 they will have deposited at the seat of the Bank at 15 Puławska st., 02-515 Warszawa, the bearer share certificates issued by the entities maintaining securities accounts and will not collect them until the General Meeting is closed. The holders of the registered shares, the pledgees and the users enjoying voting rights may participate in the General Meeting provided they will have been entered in the share register not later than one week prior to the date of the General Meeting i.e. 18th February, 2008. The registered share certificates may be deposited between 13th and 18th February, 2008, (during business days) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The list of the shareholders entitled to participate in the General Meeting will be displayed at the seat of the Bank at 15 Puławska st., 02-515 Warszawa, on the ground floor, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 3 business days prior to the date of the General Meeting i.e. between 21st and 25th February , 2008. The shareholders may participate in the General Meeting personally or by proxy. The proxy shall be granted in writing, otherwise being null and void and shall be attached to the minutes of the General Meeting. The signature on the proxy granted by a shareholder being a natural person should be certified by a notary public. The persons acting for the shareholders being legal persons should present the current extracts from the relevant registers (the originals or true copies certified by a notary public), naming the persons authorised to represent those entities. The persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting are requested to register and collect the voting slips in front of the meeting hall 2 hours prior to the opening of the General Meeting.