
Legal basis: Paragraph 34.1.1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and on the conditions under which such information may be recognized as being equivalent to information required by the laws of a state which is not a member state The report: The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna (the “PKO BP S.A.” or the “Bank”) hereby informs that it has received the resolution No. 357/09 of the Management Board of National Depository for Securities (“NDS”) of 24 September 2009 (”Resolution”), pursuant to which and in compliance with § 40.2 and § 2.1 and 2.4 of the Regulations of the NDS, after review of an application of PKO BP S.A., the Management Board of NDS decided to register on 6 October 2009 with the NDS 1,000,000,000 (in words: one billion) unitary subscription rights to series D ordinary bearer shares of PKO BP S.A. with nominal value of PLN 1 (in words: PLN one) each, issued pursuant to the resolution No. 39/2009 of the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting of PKO BP S.A. of 30 June 2009 on increase of the Bank's share capital, changed by resolution No. 9/2009 of the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of PKO BP S.A. of 31 August 2009 and to assigning to the shares the code PLPKO0000040, subject to item 2 of the Resolution. Item 2 of the Resolution provides that if not all the requirements concerning dematerialisation of the unitary subscription rights are met, referred to in item 1 of the Resolution, on 6 October 2009 the NDS will make a registration aimed solely at supporting the execution of pre-emption rights to acquire the series D ordinary bearer shares of the Bank, are vested in the shareholders of PKO BP S.A. The Resolution becomes effective as of the date thereof.