
Legal grounds: Paragraph 5.1.21 and 5.1.22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and on the conditions under which such information may be recognized as being equivalent to information required by the regulations of law of a state which is not a member state The report: The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna (“PKO BP SA” or “Bank”) hereby informs that on 31 August 2009, pursuant to Art. 385§1 of the Commercial Companies Code, the PKO BP SA Extraordinary General Meeting dismissed with effect as of 31 August 2009 members of the PKO BP SA Supervisory Board: Mr. Jerzy Stachowicz and Mr. Ryszard Wierzba. The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna hereby informs that pursuant to Art. 385§1 of the Companies and Partnerships Code, the PKO BP SA Extraordinary General Meeting - on 31 August 2009 - appointed Mr. Mirosław Czekaj, Mr. Ireneusz Fąfara, Mr. Alojzy Zbigniew Nowak, Mr. Tomasz Zganiacz as the PKO BP SA Supervisory Board members. Under the adopted resolutions persons mentioned above was appointed with effect as of 31 August 2009. Moreover, the Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna hereby informs that Mr. Błażej Lepczyński (the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board PKO BP S.A.) resigned from the position of the Deputy Chairman of PKO BP S.A. Supervisory Board as of 31 August 2009. The State Treasury as the Authorised Shareholder, pursuant to paragraph 12.1 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, appointed:

  • Mr. Cezary Banasiński - for the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
  • Mr. Tomasz Zganiacz - for the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The following information about the appointed Supervisory Board members: Mirosław Czekaj PhD in Economics, a graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Auditor. In January 2007, he was elected by the Council of the City of Warsaw to the position of City Treasurer. Between 2004 and 2006, he was Vice-President of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, responsible for the commercial activities of the bank and for supervising its branches. Previously, he was responsible for public sector and corporate finances. From 1992 to 2009, he held positions on the supervisory boards of numerous companies, including as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Remondis – Szczecin sp. z o.o., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Fundusz Wspierania Rozwoju Gospodarczego Miasta Szczecina, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Szczecińskie Centrum Renowacji sp. z o.o., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MPT Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw. He was also a Supervisory Board Member of Pomorski Bank Kredytowy SA in Szczecin. He is the author and co-author of finance-related publications. Ireneusz Fąfara He is a graduate of the University of Economics in Kraków. In the mid-1980s, he worked in energy sector companies as an export specialist. From 1992 to 1998, he was engaged by Bank Energetyki in Radom as a financial analyst, Director of the Brokerage House and, from 1995, Vice-President of the Management Board. Between 1998 and 2007, he was Management Board Member for Economy & Finance at ZUS (the Social Security Office). He supervised the inflows of contributions to the Social Security Fund, Open Pension Funds, National Health Fund, Labour Fund and Guaranteed Employment Benefit Fund. He also managed the finances of ZUS and the Demographic Reserve Fund. Since 2004, he has additionally held the position of Management Board Member for IT, and supervised the implementation and development of the ZUS Comprehensive IT System. Since May 2007, he has been President of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. A former member of numerous Supervisory Boards including Agencja Rynku Energii SA, Energo-Utech SA, Milmet SA, Kompania Węglowa SA, Centrum Informatyki Grupy PZU SA, and Korporacja Ubezpieczeń Kredytów Eksportowych SA. Currently he is a member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Lotos SA and the Board of the National Health Fund. A graduate of numerous international courses on finances, capital markets and pensions systems organised by such institutions as the Swiss Bank Association and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Central Bank of Austria). He holds a stockbroker’s licence (and has professional experience on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and Dusseldorf). Alojzy Zbigniew Nowak Professor of Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, Head of the Chair of National Economy and the Department of International Economic Relations operating within the UW Faculty of Management, and of the Faculty of Finances of the Leon Koźmiński Business and Management School in Warsaw. Chairman of the Research Board of the Centre for Europe of the University of Warsaw. He was studying banking and finances at the University of Exeter in Great Britain, and economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in the United States and at the Free University of Berlin in Germany. Chairman of the Research Board of the National Bank of Poland; member of the Advisory Committee of NewConnect to the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Professor Nowak’s academic interests focus on banking, international economic relations and risk management on financial markets. His PhD dissertation related to monetary policy and his professorial dissertation was on banking finances. He is the author of over 150 academic publications related to banking and international economic relations issued by Polish and foreign publishers and academic journals, and a member of the programme committees and editorial boards of numerous Polish and foreign academic journals, including Gazeta Bankowa, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Cross Cultural Management, Yearbook on Polish European Studies and Problemy Zarządzania. Professor Nowak is a lecturer on many subjects at Polish and foreign universities (in the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia), including: banking, commercial banks, money and monetary markets, European Union economic analysis, and European Union finances. He was been awarded numerous prizes for his academic achievements, including an award by the Minister of Education for his books Banki a gospodarstwa domowe – dynamika rozwoju (Banks versus Households – Rate of Development) and Integracja europejska. Szansa dla Polski? (European Integration. Opportunity for Poland?). He is in charge of European Union, NATO, and KBN grants. Tomasz Zganiacz An experienced manager; currently Director of the Financial Institution Department within the Ministry of the Treasury. Until June 2009, President of TRITON DEVELOPMENT SA., a development company listed on the stock exchange. Before that, his positions included that of Vice-President and Financial Director of ARKSTEEL SA (also listed), credit department manager at SOCIETE GENERALE, and member of the academic and teaching staff of the Institute of Production Systems Organisation of the Warsaw University of Technology. He took part in the National Investment Funds programme. Mr. Zganiacz has taken part in numerous projects implemented by business entities operating in various sectors by cooperating with commercial and investment banks, brokerage houses and other players on the capital markets. He has been responsible for managing finances and preparing and implementing investment projects, and has co-created development strategies. He has a wealth of experience in supervising commercial law companies, and is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He graduated as an engineer, and also completed MBA postgraduate studies. Mr. Mirosław Czekaj

  • does not conduct any business outside of PKO BP SA competitive to the business of PKO BP SA,
  • does not participate in any business competitive in respect of PKO BP SA as a partner in a partnership,
  • is not a member of a governing body of a company competing with PKO BP SA or a member of any other legal person competing with PKO BP SA,
  • is not registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.

Mr. Ireneusz Fąfara

  • conducts business outside of PKO BP SA competitive to the business of PKO BP SA (President of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego),
  • does not participate in any business competitive in respect of PKO BP SA as a partner in a partnership,
  • is not a member of a governing body of a company competing with PKO BP SA or a member of any other legal person competing with PKO BP SA,
  • is not registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.

Mr. Alojzy Zbigniew Nowak

  • does not conduct any business outside of PKO BP SA competitive to the business of PKO BP SA,
  • does not participate in any business competitive in respect of PKO BP SA as a partner in a partnership,
  • is not a member of a governing body of a company competing with PKO BP SA or a member of any other legal person competing with PKO BP SA,
  • is not registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.

Mr. Tomasz Zganiacz

  • does not conduct any business outside of PKO BP SA competitive to the business of PKO BP SA,
  • does not participate in any business competitive in respect of PKO BP SA as a partner in a partnership,
  • is not a member of a governing body of a company competing with PKO BP SA or a member of any other legal person competing with PKO BP SA,
  • is not registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.