
Legal grounds: Art 81 Section 1 Point 2 of the Law on the Public Trading of Securities dated 21st August, 1997 Text of the report: The Management Board of PKO BP SA hereby reports that on 29th July, 2005, it signed a letter of intent with Poczta Polska Public Service Enterprise [the postal system operator Państwowe Przedsiębiorstwo Użyteczności Publicznej Poczta Polska], with its registered office in Warsaw, in which the Parties voiced the desire to broaden and deepen the cooperation they have pursued so far, seeking to make optimum use of the potential of both parties, so as to make the establishment of a strategic alliance possible in the future. To further the materialization of the intentions articulated in the memorandum, the Parties agreed to set up a joint task force that will be given two months to consider and analyze the possibilities of widening of cooperation between the parties.