
Legal grounds: Paragraph 5.1.1 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities. The report: The Management Board of PKO BP SA hereby informs that on 18 May 2006 Bank was informed that the District Court in Poznań on 11 May 2006 had registered capital increase of Inter Finance Poland Sp. z o. o. with its seat in Suchy Las near Poznań (“Inter Finance”). The newly issued shares in increased capital were acquired by Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe S.A. (“BTK”) - Bank’s subsidiary (PKO BP SA owns 100% of shares in BTK). BTK acquired 409 shares in Inter Finance’s capital having a total nominal value of PLN 409,000 for PLN 3,247,700 purchase price. After mentioned above registration the capital of Inter Finance amounts to PLN 909,000 and is divided into 909 shares, with nominal value of PLN 1,000 each. BTK owns 409 shares of Inter Finance, constituting 45% of the capital and entitling to 45% of votes at the General Shareholders Meeting of this company. The remaining shares in Inter Finance amount of 500 constituting 55% of the capital and entitling to 55% of votes at the General Shareholders Meeting are held by private individual (300 shares) and “Dogmat Systemy” Sp. z o. o. (200 shares). The acquisition is an investment with medium-term duration and was financed with BTK own funds. Inter Finance is not linked entity as defined in the Law of Accounting. The assets acquired are considered significant because their value exceeds 20% of the share capital of Inter Finance.