
Legal grounds: Paragraph 5.1.22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and on the conditions under which such information may be recognized as being equivalent to information required by the regulations of law of a state which is not a member state The report: The Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna hereby informs that the Minister of the State Treasury as the Authorised Shareholder, pursuant to Clause 11.1 of the Bank’s Articles of Association set the number of members of the Supervisory Board for 7 members. Moreover, the Management Board of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna hereby informs pursuant to Art. 385§1 of the Companies and Partnerships Code, in connection with Clause 11.2 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, the PKO BP SA Extraordinary General Meeting - convened for 6 April 2009 and continued, after adjournment, on 20 April 2009 - appointed Cezary Banasiński, Jacek Gdański, Błażej Lepczyński, Jerzy Stachowicz as the PKO BP SA Supervisory Board members. Under the adopted resolutions Cezary Banasiński, Jacek Gdański, Błażej Lepczyński, Jerzy Stachowicz was appointed with effect as of 20 April 2009. The State Treasury as the Authorised Shareholder, pursuant to Clause 12.1 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, appointed Błażej Lepczyński - for the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board till the end of current term. The following information about the appointed Supervisory Board members: Cezary Banasiński Born on 28 November 1953 in Sochaczew (Poland), Polish citizen. Education: UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Master’s degree in organization theory, after completing studies at the Faculty of Management – 1977 UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Master’s degree in law, after completing legal studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration – 1980 UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Doctor of law degree – 1987 1988 – 1st place in a prestigious competition organised by the monthly magazine “Państwo i Prawo” for the best doctoral thesis of 1987 Professional work: President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection – from 2001 to 2007; responsible for the state of competition on the Polish market and the legal protection of consumers, as well as for monitoring the granting of state aid. Member of the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission – from 2005 to 2006; adjudication on the basis of regulations on trading in financial instruments and supervising the capital market. Member of the Commission for Insurance and Pension Fund Supervision – from 2005 to 2006; the Commission’s activities include adjudicating on matters specified in the provisions of the Act on Employee Pension Programmes and the Act on the Organisation and Operation of Pension Funds. Member of the Coordinating Committee for Financial Conglomerations – from 2006 to 2007; appointed on the basis of regulations on supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance companies and investment firms forming part of a financial conglomeration. Head of the team negotiating Poland’s membership in the EU, responsible for the “competition policy” negotiating area – 2002-2004. Under-secretary of state at the European Integration Committee Office in the government of Jerzy Buzek, responsible for adapting Polish law to Community law; architect of the concept of the “Grand European Law Commission” in the fourth term of the Sejm (the lower chamber of the Polish parliament); co-author of over 150 “adaptive” acts of parliament – 1999-2001. Advisor at the Constitutional Tribunal’s Office of Adjudication, responsible for analysing judgements of the European Court of Justice – from 1997 to 2000. Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw – junior and senior assistant lecturer at the Department of Labour Law and Social Policy – from 1980 to 1982, and then Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw – lecturer at the Department of Administrative Economic Law and Comparative Law – lectures on public economic law and Community law. Higher School of Public Administration in Ostrołęka – from September 2004, professor; lectures on public economic law. Head of Master’s Supplementary Administrative Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw – 1997-2005. Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce – from 2004. Cooperation:

  1. 1985-1987 – regular associate of the Centre for In-Service Training of Local Administration Management Staff in Warsaw, where he gave lectures on legal restrictions in the economy;
  2. 1987-1989 – employed at the Institute of Administration and Management at the Office of the Council of Ministers, where he worked on problems related to economic procedures and the functioning of central administration;
  3. 1992-1994 – permanent member of the Prime Minister’s Government Team for the Reform of State Administration;

and other posts. Advisor:

  1. from 1991 – advisor to the Government Representative for European Integration and Foreign Aid at the Office of the Council of Ministers, and from 1996 to 2000 – advisor to the minister at the Office of the European Integration Committee, responsible for problems associated with adapting public economic law to Community law.
  2. 2000-2002 – advisor to the President of the Agricultural Market Agency, mainly responsible for legislation.


  1. from 1992 – member of the Group of Experts at the Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury; co-author of the concept of the Agricultural Property Reserve of the State Treasury;
  2. from March 1994 – academic secretary of the Government Team of Experts appointed to draw up a schedule and directions of work with respect to adapting Polish law to EU law;
  3. 1993-1997 – regular associate of the Sejm Commission for Local Government Matters; author of draft laws, such as on municipal resourcefulness, the health resort district system,

and others. Academic placements:

  1. April 1987 – June 1987 – scholarship at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna;
  2. August 1987 – March 1988 – academic placement at the Supreme Administrative Court;
  3. October 1989 – October 1990 – scholarship of the Humboldt Foundation at the universities of Constance, Munich and Vienna;
  4. March 1993 – scholarship of the University of Tübingen (Germany);
  5. June – December 1993 – scholarship of the University of Vienna;
  6. November – December 1994 – scholarship of the University of Constance (Germany),

and others. Jacek Gdański Jacek Gdański was born on 30 November 1970 in Szczecinek. He is a graduate of the Scandinavian Studies Faculty at Gdańsk University and the National Public Administration School. He is also an auditor certified by the National Board of Certified Auditors. At present, Jacek Gdański is the Director General of the Ministry of Finance. He began his professional career at the Ministry of Finance in 1999. Starting in 2001, he served as an advisor to the minister in the Financial Institutions Department. Later, from 2001 to 2007, he served as Assistant Director in the Banking Department. In 2007 he started working outside the Ministry of Finance, first as Accounting Department Director at Ruch S.A. (2007-2008) and then in PKO Inwestycje (2008-2009), first as Managing Director and then as Vice-President of the Management Board. For many years (2000-2007) he carried out supervisory duties in commercial companies as the chair and deputy chair of supervisory boards. He was also the chair of the Audit Committee of Ruch S.A.’s Supervisory Board. Since 1999 he has actively participated in work on adjusting accounting legislation to international standards. He is the author of numerous publications on this subject. He has lectured in and coordinated the “Public Finance” subject area at the National Public Administration School. Jacek Gdański is a FIDE chess grand champion. He came second in the under-20 world championships and won the Polish seniors championships. He has also represented Poland in numerous international competitions. He is fluent in English, Russian and Swedish. He is married and has two daughters. Błażej Lepczyński Born on 19 January 1970 1. Education University of Gdansk -:Ph.D. in Economics (February 2003) Copernicus University in Torun, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences - Certificate of completion of post-graduate studies in banking and finance, with a specialisation in value management of companies on the financial markets (2002) University of Gdansk - Master’s Degree in Economics (two majors completed) (1995, 1997) 2. Professional experience Market Economics Research Institute (1996-present) - Director of the “Banking and Financial Markets” Research Area: supervision of research projects, team management, project preparation, forecasts and appraisals, management of a research area University of Gdansk (2003-present) – Assistant: educational and academic work

  • Management of project teams
  • Participation in dozens of research projects
  • Coordination of a project entitled “External Conditioning of the Business Strategies of Banks and other Financial Institutions”, conducted for several years at MERI
  • Coordinator and co-author of a project on liquidity and capital risk, conducted for one of the largest financial institutions in Pomerania
  • Team Member preparing an Investment Memorandum for the Tri-city metropolis
  • Member of supervisory boards (e.g. former member of the supervisory board of Bank BPH S.A.)

3. Professional specialisation

  • Bank risk management, Basel II, systems risk
  • Integration of European financial markets
  • Multi-dimensional evaluation of a bank’s financial standing and competitive position, ratings awarded by ratings agencies
  • Retail banking, consumer finance mortgage banking

4. Selected publications (several dozen in total, both academic and editorial)

  1. The New Capital Agreement and its consequences for the competitiveness of banks in Poland [in:] anthology, L. Pawłowicz (ed.), The Lisbon Strategy and Value Management, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 978-83-60089-26-2 (pp. 245-256);
  2. Key external conditioning of the development strategies of business entities operating on the consumer finance market in Poland, a medium-term perspective (synthesis of a report) [in:] Business and risk on the consumer finance market in Poland, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 978-83-60089-20-0 (pp. 11-18);
  3. Integration of the financial market in the European Union and its significance for the development and operations of financial conglomerates [in:] anthology, Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska (ed.), Financial Conglomerates, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, ISBN 978-83-208-1708-9, pp. 65-89;
  4. Trans-border integration of the banking market in the EU [in:] Banks and Credit, No. 5/2007, NBP, ISSN 0137 5520, pp. 3-34;
  5. Perspectives on the development of retail banking in Poland in the next few years [in:] anthology, Janusz Ossowski (ed.), Cooperative Savings and Credit Unions – their nature, development, surroundings, Quarterly Academic Library “Money and Ties, Foundation for Polish Credit Unions”, Sopot 2007, ISBN 978-83-916589-9-4, pp. 380-387;
  6. The process of granting retail credit [in:] E. Gostomski, M. Penczar, B. Lepczyński, A. Barembruch, Credit Brokering in Poland – a handbook for practitioners, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2007 ISBN 978-83-60089-43-9;
  7. Mortgage Insurance – benefits and risks for banks and the Polish banking system, [in:] anthology, J. Bieliński and M. Czerwińska (ed.), “Value management of enterprises in conditions of disruption on the financial markets” FRUG 2008 ISBN 978-83-7531-057-3;
  8. The influence of the Lisbon Strategy on retail banking in Poland in the near future [in:] anthology, L. Pawłowicz (ed.), Poland in the face of integration of the financial market in the European Union, Economic Transformation No. 112, Market Economics Research Institute, Gdansk 2006, ISSN 0867-4167 (co-authors: M. Penczar, M. Szymański);
  9. We like consumer credit, Gazeta Bankowa No. 28, 10-16 July 2006, ISSN 0860-7613 (co-author: M. Penczar).

Selected appraisals and research works:

  1. B. Lepczyński, Evaluation of the prospects for development of the retail banking market in Poland to 2011 – synthesis, Market Economics Research Institute, photocopied material, Gdansk, April 2007;
  2. B. Lepczyński, Efficiency indicators of the work of domestic banks and foreign banks from within the European Union [in:] Periodic assessment of the competitive position of the Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. financial group vs. its most important competitors domestically and from selected foreign banks from EU member states, Market Economics Research Institute, photocopied material, Gdansk, April 2007;
  3. The economic effects of passing a law on consumer bankruptcy in Poland (appraisal), Market Economics Research Institute, photocopied material, Gdansk, July 2007 (co-authors: M. Penczar, L. Pawłowicz).

Financial projects by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education conducted:

  1. under the direction of Dr M. Iwanicz-Drozdowska, professor at the Warsaw School of Economics – The influence of socio-demographic factors on the financial services market; research financed by the MSHE as part of research project No. N113 015 31/1888;
  2. under the direction of Dr S. Kasiewicz – Poland in the face of reform of the institutional and regulatory architecture of its financial market; research financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of research project No.1 H02C 039 30.

5. Other

  • Member of the Gazeta Bankowa Bank Ranking Panel (2000-2007)
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the “Best Financial Institutions” Competition organised by Rzeczpospolita newspaper
  • Editor-in-chief of the forum “Poland and financial market integration in the EU” (www.rf.edu.pl)
  • Cooperation with the Gdansk Academy of Banking (conducting lessons at post-graduate level)
  • Cooperation with the Gdansk School of Banking
  • Cooperation with Sopot College

Jerzy Stachowicz An attorney (adwokat), registered with the Krakow Regional Bar Association (Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka). In 1997-2008 he was a legal advisor (radca prawny) for the Krakow Regional Legal Advisors Association (Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych). From 1994 to 1996 he completed judicial training organised by the Krakow Court of Appeals. He is a graduate of the Law and Administration Faculty of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Since 1997 he has maintained his own legal practice, and is a partner at Stachowicz Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni Spółka Partnerska in Krakow, which specialises in serving businesses and, in particular, in providing services and advice with regard to corporate issues, securities law, mergers and acquisitions, project finance, real estate trading and investment projects. From 2001 to 2002 he served as a legal advisor for Deutsche Bank 24 S.A. in Krakow, where he provided legal services to the bank’s headquarters and branches. From 1998 to 2001 he was a legal advisor for Bank Współpracy Regionalnej S.A. in Krakow, in 1995-1997 he was a lawyer at the National Securities Depository (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.) in Warsaw, and from 1993 to 1995 he was a lawyer in the Capital Investments Department of Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy S.A. in Krakow (among other positions as a member of the bank’s privatisation team, where he coordinated and supervised legal and organisational work related to the bank’s privatisation). Jerzy Stachowicz has participated in training organised by the Paris Stock Exchange and the Budapest Stock Exchange, as well is in conferences and seminars related to securities and options in London and Paris. He is a co-author of a 1994 book entitled “Kontrakty futures i opcje” (“Futures Contracts and Options”). None of the above supervising persons conducts any business outside of PKO BP S.A. competitive to the business of PKO BP S.A. None of the above supervising persons participates in any business competitive in respect of PKO BP S.A. as a partner in a partnership. None of the above supervising persons is a member of a governing body of a company competing with PKO BP S.A. or a member of any other legal person competing with PKO BP S.A. None of the above supervising persons is registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.